Parenting a teenager is demanding enough. A teen in treatment for alcohol and drug abuse adds a whole new set of challenges. Addiction has altered your family's life....
Recovery Coaches
Recovery Coaches: A Beacon of Hope and Guidance Sometimes in life, a situation requires more effort than a single individual is capable of producing. Addiction is one...
A Life without Drugs
A simple solution for recovery from drug or alcohol addiction doesn't exist. No easy treatment exists, but few conflicts in come with a one-and-done resolution. Part of...
Overcoming Fear of Boredom and Fear of Failure
You've spent the last part of you life using drugs or alcohol in most, if not all, your spare time. Despite the destruction this has brought to your life (and the...
Overcome Obsession
Addiction is both a physical and psychological condition. More often than not, addressing the physical aspects of your addiction is far more straightforward than...
Overcome Resentment
Resentment comes from holding negative feelings, such as anger or displeasure, towards someone or something because of bad situation actually or thought to be caused by...
Overcome Hoplessness and Helplessness
Hopelessness and helplessness often go hand in hand with chemical dependency. Those feelings can be what lead someone to drug or alcohol abuse in the first place....
How to tell if Someone has Relapsed
Once a loved one has successfully completed treatment and is living in recovery, we often feel relief, jubilation, and pride. There is always an underlying fear,...
An Addiction Recovery Community
The value of the recovery community in alcohol and drug addiction cannot be understated. Hearing others communicate their feelings, challenges, and ideas becomes...
Your Personal Inventory
As the philosopher George Santayana said, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” Conducting a personal inventory can be a useful way to...