Corporate Office:
2101 Magnolia Avenue South, Suite 518
Birmingham, AL 35205

Overcome Obsession

Addiction is both a physical and psychological condition. More often than not, addressing the physical aspects of your addiction is far more straightforward than...

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Overcome Resentment

Resentment comes from holding negative feelings, such as anger or displeasure, towards someone or something because of bad situation actually or thought to be caused by...

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An Addiction Recovery Community

The value of the recovery community in alcohol and drug addiction cannot be understated. Hearing others communicate their feelings, challenges, and ideas becomes...

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Your Personal Inventory

As the philosopher George Santayana said, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” Conducting a personal inventory can be a useful way to...

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Family Involvement in Drug Rehab

  Chemical dependency doesn't just affect the person with the substance problem – it affects the entire family (a loose term, which usually includes close friends)....

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Letting Go of Shame and Guilt

A stigma is often attached to people with drug addiction and alcoholism. These diseases are often associated with people who are out of control, dysfunctional, or...

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