Corporate Office:
2101 Magnolia Avenue South, Suite 518
Birmingham, AL 35205

Connection vs Addiction

The human connection is one of the most powerful forces on earth. Addiction works to contaminate and pervert the meaningful relationships we have with loved ones. To...

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Recovery Yes’s and No’s

Sometimes I feel like if I say No one more time I will die, but I now know this to be a lie. It’s like we have a limited amount of No’s each day and sometimes we run...

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The Power of a Mental Reflection

Time for Reflection is Critical to Recovery Consider the experience of hitting the "pause button" for a short period of time during your day. Pausing to reflect on why...

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How do you love an addict?

Loving an addict often feels hopeless. If you have ever loved someone in active addiction, you may feel used and abused. Compassion may not seem like a natural response, and there are times when your own survival and health must take priority over the needs of your loved one.

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One Word Mantra

Your spirituality strengthens you. No matter what your belief system, nurturing your inner world will help you cope with what the real world throws at you. Regular...

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Eating Omega-3 for Mental Health

By far the best nutrient for improving and repairing brain health are Omega-3 Fatty acids. These omega-3s enhance your brain's plasticity and member fluidity, which...

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Perfection of the Present Day

In 1806 Rev. William Law published A Guide to Rest. In it he wrote this: "Do not therefore please yourself with thinking how piously you would act and submit to God in...

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