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2101 Magnolia Avenue South, Suite 518
Birmingham, AL 35205

One Word Mantra

Your spirituality strengthens you. No matter what your belief system, nurturing your inner world will help you cope with what the real world throws at you. Regular prayer or meditation keeps you charged up most days. But sometimes chaos descends. You are stuck in traffic. A job just fell through. An accident has happened. The bills arrived. Great Aunt Martha arrived. Life hits you full force, and you don’t feel like you have the time to say a prayer.

Breath in. Find a one word mantra. Something that will focus your thoughts through this challenge. Keep saying your one word mantra in your mind or aloud. Believe that you can get through this because you can. Remember, you have people who believe in you and can help. Just repeat the mantra and reach out. Before you know it, the moment will pass and it will be another success in your recovery.