Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results. Many people with addictions can identify with the above quote. They abuse drugs or...
Recovery Programs and the True Value of the 12 Steps
Primary Value of the 12 Steps Ever since Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) published them in the book Alcoholics Anonymous: The Story of How More Than One Hundred Men Have...
Different Levels of Addiction Treatment
First, congratulations on finding the strength to admit your addiction. Now your task is to find an addiction treatment as well as the symptoms of withdrawal. Everyone...
Infographic: Teen Summer Alcohol and Drug Use
What are your teens doing this summer? Alcohol and drug use among adolescents increases during the summer months. Check out these facts and talk with your teen to...
Military Service Members Combating Addiction
Addressing the Unique Needs of Military Service Men and Women Combating a Hidden Enemy: Addiction Perceived weakness causes issues in combat situations, so military...
The Consequences of Drug and Alcohol Abuse
It may be difficult to recognize drug or alcohol abuse, but when left untreated the consequences of drugs and alcohol abuse undermines everything you care about. Like...
Healthcare Professionals with Addictions
A healthcare professional can become addicted to drugs or alcohol just as easily as anyone else. Pharmacists, nurses, doctors, veterinarians, and others in the...
Intervention Techniques and Philosophy
A crisis intervention guided by a professional is often an essential first step in your loved one's road to recovery. Many addicts are in denial about their chemical...
Why Won’t You Just Quit? Drug Addiction
As a person's drug or alcohol use develops into a full blown addiction, finances, relationships, health, and social obligations break down. Life becomes chaos. Loved...
Finding Peace within the Chaos of Addiction
The chaos of addiction can feel like you’re being swept down a river and unable to control where you’re going. Even the smallest of problems can seem like raging...