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Finding Peace within the Chaos of Addiction

The chaos of addiction can feel like you’re being swept down a river and unable to control where you’re going. Even the smallest of problems can seem like raging rapids. Perhaps you believe you’re in control of where the river is going. Or maybe you’re unwilling to admit that chemical dependency leaves you gasping for breath because of shame. Admitting that drugs or alcohol have thrown your life into chaos is the first step to finding your way to calmer waters.

Recognizing your situation as dangerous and uncontrollable is like having a life-vest in the water- it will not make the rough waters disappear, but will allow you to stay afloat and better see the challenges ahead. However, this isn’t enough to combat the heavy pull of addiction. A treatment program that suits your needs will act as a raft helping you recognize and avoid dangers ahead, and teach you ways to find peace within the chaos.

For more than 30 years, Bradford’s professional treatment programs have guided adults and adolescents through treatment towards a healthy, positive, and peaceful existence free of alcohol and drugs. Like any good river guide, we use a blend of knowledge, experience, and understanding to treat chemical dependency and find peace within the chaos of addiction. Our affordable inpatient and outpatient treatments provide patients the tools and techniques to safely navigate to a sustainable recovery. With a holistic approach, patients are given the opportunity to not only heal the damage addiction did to their bodies, but also their minds and spirits. Bradford understands that addiction often pulls friends and family into the swirling waters, and they encourage loved ones to participate in the healing process. This can be participating in counseling sessions with the patient, or joining a support group specifically for loved ones. Patients and their loved ones find hope and healing in Bradford’s compassionate staff and peaceful facilities.

Going through a 12-Step system for sobriety breaks down the difficult path of recovery into manageable steps. With the help of a team environment of qualified addiction counselors and physicians, patients navigate the steps one day at a time so that they can overcome even the largest rapids. Patients’ families learn about addiction and their role in the recovery process. Doing this gives the patient the greatest chance of a long term recovery.

Life is rarely a lazy river, and substance abuse makes navigating life an uncontrollably perilous journey. The chaos of addiction makes it very difficult to find your center and successfully find your way through life. Admitting that drugs or alcohol control your life is the start of your journey to peace. With the help of chemical dependency experts and your loved ones, you can have the tools and knowledge to get down the river not just safely, but peacefully.

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