Corporate Office:
2101 Magnolia Avenue South, Suite 518
Birmingham, AL 35205

Legal Consequences of Addiction

Addiction changes a person’s mood, behavior, and personality. Often times these people make poor choices with legal consequences. Finding addiction treatment while in...

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Polysubstance Addiction

Identifying, Understanding, and Treating Polysubstance Addiction Polysubstance dependence is officially defined as abusing three or more substances for a period of 12...

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Letting Go of Shame and Guilt

A stigma is often attached to people with drug addiction and alcoholism. These diseases are often associated with people who are out of control, dysfunctional, or...

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Living just for Today

Believing in oneself is an essential component to the treatment of drug and alcohol addiction. Patients in recovery will begin to look healed, and the their physical...

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You Can Help

Someone suffering from chemical dependency cannot stop using drugs or alcohol on his or her own. The addict may realize that the situation has spun out of control, but...

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The Cost of Addiction Treatment

An Investment in the Future No matter the disease, healthcare costs weigh heavily on individuals seeking treatment. When addiction is the disease the costs of...

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Tough Love and Tough Choices

Making the Tough Choice to Persist with Tough Love A patient’s family or friends sometimes have to show tough love so that the truth of substance abuse comes out. It is...

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Recovery is a Journey

 “A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.”  The journey of recovery from drug addiction and alcoholism can be a great journey indeed. People struggling...

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Meditation in Addiction Recovery

Meditation factors into each person's recovery process differently. While some people may find that immersing themselves into a particular religion with formal ritual...

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