Oscar Wilde declared, "To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist. That is all." He saw how so many people wasted their lives pursuing something that...
Sobriety and Friendship
Entering recovery from addiction also means you may have to choose between sobriety and friendship. This could include temporary separation from your party-going buds...
When Death Looks Appealing
Brett Young looked at himself and saw very little worth saving. Addiction had taken control of his life. His successful career did not matter to his addiction. His...
Begin Meditating
Do you think meditating is only for certain kinds of people? Like the Zen master sitting by a placid lake. Or perhaps you think of the quiet monk meditating behind old...
3 Things to Know About the Heroin Vaccine
After Time magazine published an article on Kim Janda's heroin vaccine, there's been a renewed interest in getting this drug. Before you go out looking for a panacea...
Drinking More After Retirement
After years of hard work, many people celebrate retirement with raised glasses, toasting to a successful career and to a future of relaxation. When everyone goes...
Support with a Positive Reframe
One of the best ways to help someone with an addiction disorder is to give your full support to healing. Keeping a positive attitude can be difficult, especially when...
Five Tips to Heal a Family
Parenting a teenager is demanding enough. A teen in treatment for alcohol and drug abuse adds a whole new set of challenges. Addiction has altered your family's life....
Young Adult Substance Abuse
All too frequently, parents are not aware of the extent their young adult's alcohol and drug use. They easily dismiss illicit substance use as “kids being kids,” and...
Benefits of a 28 Day Treatment
While there are a few different approaches to drug and alcohol rehabilitation programs, the 28-day treatment model is perhaps the most well-known. It originally focused...