Sometimes I feel like if I say No one more time I will die, but I now know this to be a lie. It’s like we have a limited amount of No’s each day and sometimes we run...
The Power of a Mental Reflection
Time for Reflection is Critical to Recovery Consider the experience of hitting the "pause button" for a short period of time during your day. Pausing to reflect on why...
Forgiveness Vaccination
The Key to a Successful Recovery. Wouldn’t a forgiveness vaccination be a great invention? In the beginning of my recovery journey, I viewed forgiveness like a...
How do you love an addict?
Loving an addict often feels hopeless. If you have ever loved someone in active addiction, you may feel used and abused. Compassion may not seem like a natural response, and there are times when your own survival and health must take priority over the needs of your loved one.
It is killing me and I can’t stop
We have heard this phrase many times. We have heard it from those stealing painkillers from their family. We have heard it from those who have lived decades with...
What are the Warning Signs or a Relapse
Relapse doesn't happen overnight. Several relapse warning signs appear before you fall completely back into chemical dependency. In addition, one slip may not mean...
How do I stop?
You have come here because drug or alcohol use has become a large part of your life. From the outside it may seem like everything is okay. But there's a nagging thought...
One Word Mantra
Your spirituality strengthens you. No matter what your belief system, nurturing your inner world will help you cope with what the real world throws at you. Regular...
Rat out your disease!
How long have you been hiding? That bottle of pills, flask of liquor, or rock of coke has been within reach for awhile now. You have stashed away your tools- whether...
Alcohol is a Drug?
Yes. Alcohol is a drug. There is no way around it. As the most widely used and accepted drug, alcohol has wreaked havoc on millions of families. People from all...