Addiction & Recovery Articles
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Bradford Introduces Supportive Housing to Strengthen Recovery ResourcesBradford Health Services, a nationally recognized leader in addiction recovery, is proud to announce plans to repurpose the former Bailey Cove Assisted Living into a supportive housing community. Since 1970, Bradford has been dedicated to helping indiv … |
Living just for Today
Believing in oneself is an essential component to the treatment of drug and alcohol addiction. Patients in recovery...
Combating Stress and Addiction: 10 Techniques
Ten Techniques for Combating Stress and Addiction Whether you have struggled with substance abuse or not, it should be...
You Can Help
Someone suffering from chemical dependency cannot stop using drugs or alcohol on his or her own. The addict may...
Teen Drug Abuse: Prescriptions and Over the Counter Drugs
The Facts Teen drug abuse is a growing problem. No, it's not marijuana that we're concerned about, but FDA approved...
The Cost of Addiction Treatment
An Investment in the Future No matter the disease, healthcare costs weigh heavily on individuals seeking treatment....
Alabama Drug and Alcohol Facts
An estimated 281,000 Alabamians needed treatment for drug and alcohol use in 2012. Don't suffer with addiction in...
Kentucky Drug and Alcohol Facts
An estimated 242,000 Kentuckians needed treatment for drug and alcohol use in 2011. Don't suffer with addiction in...
Drug Education Strategies
Drug education programs have come a long way since the “Just Say No” campaign of the ’80s. As a society, we understand...
Spirituality In Alcohol and Drug Addiction Treatment
Spirituality is More than Faith Ever since Bill W founded Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) in 1935, spirituality has been a...
Tough Love and Tough Choices
Making the Tough Choice to Persist with Tough Love A patient’s family or friends sometimes have to show tough love so...
Recovery is a Journey
“A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” The journey of recovery from drug addiction and...
Hiding Places for Drugs and Paraphernalia
There is no age requirement for chemical dependency. Drug addiction and alcoholism can grab hold of someone at any...