Corporate Office:
2101 Magnolia Avenue South, Suite 518
Birmingham, AL 35205

Drug Rehabs in Alabama

Looking for Drug and Alcohol Treatment Programs in Alabama? According to the latest available data reported by the Alabama Department of Mental Health*, the drug...

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What is Polysubstance Abuse?

  Sometimes you instinctively know something isn’t quite right with a friend, a family member or colleague. You suspect potential drug or alcohol use but you feel...

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Teen Summertime Substance Abuse

Teen Drug use Increases in the Summer    Sun, fun, sand, pool, friends and hot weather add up to any teenager’s summer dream. More free time and less adult supervision...

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Free Worksheet: Cost of Addiction

What does Your Addiction Cost? Millions of people affected by drugs and alcohol continue to endure the damages of addiction because they don't think they can afford to...

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Men and Addiction

While addiction is not a gender specific disease, it does affect men and women differently. More men are diagnosed with chemical dependency (addiction) than women,...

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Young Adult Substance Abuse

All too frequently, parents are not aware of the extent their young adult's alcohol and drug use. They easily dismiss illicit substance use as “kids being kids,” and...

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Legalization of Marijuana Forum

Forty-five years ago, 84% of Americans were opposed to the legalization of marijuana. Our perception of 'weed' has changed quite as bit since then. Washington and...

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