Addiction & Recovery Articles
What is Recovery Month?September is National Recovery Month. This month serves to increase awareness and understanding of substance use disorders and mental health. It encourages people needing recovery services and treatment to seek the help they need. Recovery Month does s … |
Alabama Drug and Alcohol Facts
An estimated 281,000 Alabamians needed treatment for drug and alcohol use in 2012. Don't suffer with addiction in...
Kentucky Drug and Alcohol Facts
An estimated 242,000 Kentuckians needed treatment for drug and alcohol use in 2011. Don't suffer with addiction in...
Drug Education Strategies
Drug education programs have come a long way since the “Just Say No” campaign of the ’80s. As a society, we understand...
Spirituality In Alcohol and Drug Addiction Treatment
Spirituality is More than Faith Ever since Bill W founded Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) in 1935, spirituality has been a...
Tough Love and Tough Choices
Making the Tough Choice to Persist with Tough Love A patient’s family or friends sometimes have to show tough love so...
Recovery is a Journey
“A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” The journey of recovery from drug addiction and...
Hiding Places for Drugs and Paraphernalia
There is no age requirement for chemical dependency. Drug addiction and alcoholism can grab hold of someone at any...
Meditation in Addiction Recovery
Meditation factors into each person's recovery process differently. While some people may find that immersing...
Athletes with Addiction
Drugs and Alcohol in the Intense World of Sports Whether at the high school, collegiate, or professional levels there...
Damaged Organs in Drug and Alcohol Abuse
There are 10 major organ systems in the human body, and unsurprisingly, drug and alcohol abuse affects each of them...
How to Support those in Recovery
Learn, Listen, and Love When our loved ones enter addiction recovery, we want to do everything we can to prevent a...
Pain Management and Chemical Dependency
A chemical dependency to prescription medication can develop whether or not you have a history of addiction. In...