Whether you are just starting treatment or transferring from another level of care, Relapse is something everyone fears. At Bradford Health, we do everything in our power to help minimize relapses. Staying connected to the treatment process through our Intensive Outpatient Program allows patients and families to get the help they need conveniently close to home. Bradford has services available in Alabama, Arkansas, Tennessee and Florida.
Much like a stepping stone, our Intensive Outpatient Program enables patients to make a gradual transition from inpatient treatment to their day-to-day lives. It’s a critical juncture because returning home and being around friends and family, can trigger a relapse. Intensive Outpatient rehab programs also may be a more suitable start for those needing help.
In intensive outpatient treatment, individuals return to Bradford several times a week to get the support they need as they face new challenges. Most importantly, intensive outpatient treatment gives patients tools and coping strategies to help them prevent potential relapses, so they have the best chance for a successful recovery.
Learn more about Bradford’s in Outpatient Intensive Program here.