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Glenn Overcame Poor Coping Habits

Life isn’t easy. Drugs or alcohol habits may seem like the easy solution. However, dealing with problems by dealing in drugs and alcohol only makes things worse.

Many people who abuse drugs and alcohol develop the mental disorder known as addiction. This disease changes your brain chemistry. Among other things, addiction makes it harder for individuals to deal with even life’s smallest stresses. Many people with an addiction, even if they’re not using drugs or alcohol, turn to poor coping habits, such as poor eating, violence, negligence, or other escapisms. These actions drive someone further into a downward spiral and closer to drugs and alcohol. Finding a recovery community that can show you how to cope with problems in a healthy way. Don’t believe us- listen to Glenn’s story.

The best thing you can do to insure a long-term recovery is to be a part of a recovery community where you can learn healthy coping habits. This September, National Recovery Month, make a commitment to your health and reach out for help, to someone in need, or to other’s in recovery.

Thank you to Glenn and Faces and Voices of Recovery for sharing this story.