Is your drug use spinning out of control? Is your loved one more than a casual drug user? Drug addiction can grasp someone slowly or suddenly. Recognizing drug addiction signs early will make the road back to normalcy easier. Different drugs have different effects, signs of abuse, and signs of withdrawal. However, the symptoms and signs of addiction are often the same. Whether you or your loved one uses sleeping pills, marijuana, prescription painkillers, cocaine, heroin, or meth, look for these common drug addiction signs.
Drug Addiction Signs
Behavior Changes:
- Neglect of responsibilities at work, school or home.
- Riskier behavior.
- Unexplained or suspicious behavior
- Trouble with law enforcement
- Increased or Unexplained need for money
Attitude Changes:
- Anger, depression, or anxiety while not under the influence
- Unable to stop thinking about drug
- Lack of motivation or ambition
- Drug use as a way to deal with problems
- Blaming others
Physical Changes
- Neglecting appearance or hygiene
- Weight change
- Chronic health problems related to drug use
One of the larger components of addiction is denial. Whenever someone is heavily involved in drug usage, they tend to deny the seriousness of the problem and the negative impact the substance abuse has on his or her life. Addiction is a powerful disease that leads the mind to rationalize drug use. The number of drugs used, the degree to which drug use impacts a person’s life, and the level of control over drug use are often drastically underestimated. Denial is far less frightening than admitting one’s drug use is out of control. However, the cost of denial is dangerously high, including the loss of interpersonal relationships, financial security, and general health.
Addiction Symptoms Via Telehealth
Looking for signs of relapse on a screen is often more challenging than if the provider and patient were face-to-face. Common symptoms like odors are not detectable through a monitor. Other signs like fidgetiness or changes in body position are difficult to see because a telehealth session typically keeps the focus on the face. However, there are still signs and symptoms of relapse that can be detectable. Changes in speech patterns, including slurring, can even be heard during the conversation. Signs that you can “look” for will be changes in appearance, such as the person looking disheveled (clothing, hair), change in skin tone (paler or potentially yellowish), and perspiration.
The first step on the road to recovery is admitting that a problem exists. After finding the courage and strength to see the truth, recovering a life once lost to addiction is completely possible. For a free addiction consultation, contact Bradford Health Services.