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2101 Magnolia Avenue South, Suite 518
Birmingham, AL 35205

Truths of Recovery

Truth of Recovery

In today’s society, there are so many misunderstandings surrounding addiction. Inaccurate information often causes people and their loved ones to remain enslaved to addiction. They should instead be taking the first step to getting help.

3 Truths of Recovery to Consider

Deception: Always consider that one of the powers of addiction is deception. Anyone who is living with an addiction is often deceived by how their illness affects their everyday lives. They may believe that they are doing the right things and that their actions are justified. In reality, they do not realize that their behavior is hurting them and their loved ones.

Clarity: The moment you decide to have clarity concerning you or your loved one’s addiction, engage in the process of learning the truth by seeking professional help. Your life and the lives of those around you will change. The more focus you put on finding help and putting yourself or your loved one in an environment where transformation is possible, the more clarity you will experience.

Hope: Living in the painful grip of addiction is a national crisis. According to a 2013 report from drugabuse.gov, an estimated 24.6 million Americans aged 12 or older (9.4 % of the population) had used an illicit drug within a month of the date that the report was published. You should know that you are not alone in your struggle. Know that there are thousands of people who are making a choice right now to seek professional help.  Hope is the most important attitude you can have at the beginning of this journey. There is hope ahead for anyone who will take the first step to change their deadly patterns.

If you or someone you love feels trapped in addiction and enslaved to drugs or alcohol, please make the first step to changing everything and call Bradford Health Services at 888-577-0012.